ANTIDIABETIC DRUGS Caution with Asian Ginseng Cinnamon Phellodendron (Berberine) Gymnema
ANTlPLATELET DRUGS Contraindicated with Dan Shen Pine Bark Caution with Andrographis Garlic Guarana Reishi Turmeric (high doses)
BARBITURATES Caution with Ashwagandha Passionflower
CAFFEINE AND CNS STIMULANTS Caution with Asian Ginseng Rhodiola
Velvet Bean
CONTRACEPTIVE PILL Contraindicated with St John's Wort (high hyperforin preparations) Caution with Chaste Tree
CYCLOSPORIN Contraindicated with St John's Wort (high hyperforin preparations)
DIGOXIN Contraindicated with Senna Pods St John's Wort (high hyperforin preparations) Caution with Ginseng, Siberian Hawthorn Licorice (in high doses)
DIURETICS Caution with Licorice (in high doses)
HIV DRUGS Contraindicated with St John's Wort (high hyperforin preparations)
HYPOTENSIVE DRUGS Caution with Coleus
IMATINIB Contraindicated with Asian Ginseng St John's Wort (high hyperforin preparations)
IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE DRUGS Caution with Andrographis Astragalus Cat's Claw Echinacea Root Reishi
IRINOTECAN Contraindicated with St John's Wort (high hyperforin preparations)
LAXATlVES Caution with Licorice (in high doses)
MAOI ANTIDEPRESSANTS Contraindicated with Asian Ginseng
METHADONE Contraindicated with St John's Wort (high hyperforin preparations)
MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS, THIAMINE OR ALKALOIDS Take away from Cinnamon Epilobium Grape Seed Green Tea Hawthorn Meadowsweet Rhodiola Rosemary
PRESCRIBED DRUGS Take away from Marshmallow Slippery Elm Caution with St John's Wort (high hyperforin preparations)
PROGESTERONE DRUGS Caution with Chaste Tree
SAQUINAVIR Caution with Garlic
VERAPAMIL Contraindicated with St John's Wort (high hyperforin preparations)
WARFARIN Contraindicated with Dan Shen Asian Ginseng St John's Wort (high hyperforin preparations)
Caution with Dong Quai Garlic Ginger Ginkgo (low risk) Meadowsweet Saw Palmetto Turmeric (high doses)